PSM (Power Saving Mode): decreased signalling
eDRX (Extended Discontinuous Reception): receiver switched off part of the time
Coverage Extension : increased power levels and repetitions
Achieve a 10 year battery life
Simpler terminal ⇒ less expensive
Speed: up to 158 kb/s uplink and 124 kb/s downlink
Latency: 1,4 up to 10 s
Voice not supported
Active networks (August 2020)
LTE-M: 46 networks
NB-IoT: 96 networks
In France:
LTE-M: Orange
How to integrate a mobile network terminal
Two main possibilities:
Separate terminal controlled by the application
The application is in the terminal
Separate terminal
Physical layer: serial link (board voltage or V.28)
Data layer:
"AT commands"
3GPP TS 27.007
Command format
Response format
Around 300 commands:
Voice calls management
Network services management
Data services management
Terminal information
Every manufacturer adds their own commands:
File system
TCP and UDP sockets
FTP, HTTP, ping, CoAP, MQTT, LwM2M
Date and time
Modes of operation
Data: requires the activation of a PDP (Packet Data Protocol) context
Selection of the destination network: APN (Access Point Name)
Internet, intranet
Allowed protocols and ports
Using PPP (Point to Point Protocol)
Using an internal TCP/IP stack
Application in the terminal
Often, two processors: mobile network stack and application
An API (Application Programming Interface) provides access to services
OS (Linux) or RTOS (Thread-X, etc.)
Some frequencies can be used without a license.
International recommendations (ITU, CEPT, etc.)
National regulations
⇒ ISM (Industrial, Scientific and Medical) frequencies
Initially, assigned to non-telecommunication applications
Nowadays, used for Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, Zigbee, etc.
Services must accept harmful interference
6,7 MHz - 13 MHz - 27 MHz - 40 MHz - 433 MHz - 915 MHz - 2,4 GHz - 5,8 GHz - 24 GHz - 61 GHz
- 122 GHz - 245 GHz
⇒ SRD (Short Range Devices)
Must offer a low risk of interference with other radio services
In case of interference: no protection from regulations
Can use ISM frequencies and some additional ones (868 MHz, etc.)
Limited power: 1 to 500 mW e.r.p. depending on frequency
Possible limitation of overall transmission time (duty cycle): 1% to 0,001% depending on
Two main types of LPWAN networks
Sigfox networks
Networks based on LoRaWAN technology
From terminal to network: asynchronous transmission
Messages repeated three times, on three frequencies
UNB (Ultra Narrow Band)
Modulations: DBPSK (Differential Binary Phase Shift Keying) and GFSK (Gaussian Frequency
Shift Keying)
Proprietary technology
Frequencies: 862 to 876 MHz, 902 to 928 MHz, depending on region
Bandwidth: 100 Hz
Speed: 100 b/s or 600 b/s, depending on region
Application payload:
Uplink: 12 bytes
Downlink: 8 bytes
Limited number of messages per day and per terminal
Beware: presence map, not coverage map
Note: Unabiz acquired Sigfox in Apr-2022. Unabiz is an IoT service provider and Sigfox Operator
for Singapore and Taiwan
Radio: LoRa
Spread spectrum based on CSS (Chirp Spread Spectrum)
Error correction in physical layer
Proprietary technology
Uplink: 125 kHz or 500 kHz
Downlink: 500 kHz
Orthogonal spreading factors
Data rate can adapt to conditions
Uplink: 980 b/s to 12500 b/s
Downlink: 980 b/s to 21900 b/s
Communication protocol + system architecture
⇒ Interoperable LoRaWAN networks and terminals
Terminal classes
Class A (All): communication initiated by the terminal - then two successive receive windows
Class B (Beacon): class A + periodical, synchronized receive window
Class C (Continouous): continous reception, when no transmission
Application payload:
51 to 222 octets, depending on data rate
Data rate may be adaptative ⇒ variable payload size
Beware: presence map, not coverage map
148 operators, in 162 countries
In France:
Objenious (Bouygues Telecom) - Acquired by Netmore Group (Nov-2023)
Community networks:
It's possible to set up your own network
Geosynchronous Equatorial Orbit (GEO)
36000 km above Earth
Satellite appears at a fixed position to ground observers
Coverage restricted to area "below" the satellite
Minimal end-to-end latency: 2 x 36000 km / 300000 km/s ⇒ 240 ms
IP - up to 448 kb/s
Latency: > 800 ms
Coverage: almost global
10-byte or 25-byte uplink messages / 100-byte downlink messages
Latency: 30 to 60 s
Coverage: almost global
6400-byte uplink messages / 10000-byte downlink messages
Latency: 15 to 60 s
Coverage: almost global
Several data services
Coverage: 2/3 of the globe
Low Earth Orbit (LEO)
Altitude of 2000 km or less
(Earth radius: around 6400 km)
(ISS: between 330 and 420 km)
Period: from 80 to 130 min
Latency: often longer (store and forward...)
Lower terminal power transmission
PMR (Professional/Private Mobile Radio) networks
Information for France
PMR networks:
Independent networks
For professionals, State services, hospitals, local authorities, etc.
Voice is the primary service
Local or regional coverage
Licensed frequencies:
29-54 MHz
54-68 MHz
68-87 MHz
146-174 MHz
174-230 MHz
406-430 MHz
440-470 MHz
Frequency management: Agence Nationale des Fréquences (ANFR)
There are still some analog networks (voice - data is possible)
Digital standards:
(Digital Mobile Radio) :
TDMA (Time Division Multiple Access) on 12,5 kHz or 6,25 kHz
Up to 9600 b/s (raw throughput)
Short messages and UDP/IP
(Digital Private Mobile
Radio) :
FDMA (Frequency Division Multiple Access) on 6,25 kHz
Up to 4800 b/s (raw throughput))
Short messages
Allow to:
Communicate from terminal to terminal (directly)
Trunking: network shared between several groups of users
Other digital standards:
(TErrestrial Trunked RAdio) :
For shared networks
SDS (Short Data Service) - messages of up to 256 bytes
Status messages
Circuit-switched data
Packet-switched data (IP) - up to 14 Kb/s
TEDS (TETRA Enhanced Data Service): allows video streams
Other digital standards:
For shared networks
SMS (Short Message Service)
Status messages
Packet-switched data (IP)
Networks not well known to the wider public, but are many:
in 2018, 25000 PMR networks in France
fit well applications requiring local or regional coverage
Coverage can be adapted to suit application requirements
Exclusive use of the frequencies (when no trunking)
Legal protection against interferences
Short distance radiocommunications
Based on IEEE 802.11 standard
Wireless Local Area Network (WLAN)
ISM frequencies: 2,4 GHz and 5,8 GHz
802.11g: up to 54 Mb/s - later standards allow more
Range: around 100 m
Recently: Wi-Fi HaLow (802.11ah) for the IoT:
ISM frequency: 915 MHz
Range: around 1 km
Good building penetration (narrow band)
Low energy consumption
ISM frequency: 2,4 GHz
Two radio modes:
LE (Low Energy) - up to 2 Mb/s - point to point, broadcast, mesh
Classic - up to 3 Mb/s - point to point
Range : More than a kilometer. Less than a meter. - Observe local
SRD/ISM frequency: 2,4 GHz and 868 MHz in Europe, 915 MHz in the USA
Self-organizing mesh network
Several hundreds of devices on a single network
Device types: Coordinator, Router, End Device
Data rate: 250 kb/s
Range: 300 m line of sight, 75 to 100 m indoors
Low energy consumption
SRD/ISM frequencies: 868 MHz in Europe, 915 MHz in the USA (not on Wi-Fi/Bluetooth
Mesh network
Up to 232 devices on a single network
Data rate: up to 100 kb/s
Range: 100 m line of sight
Low energy consumption
Z-Wave Long Range
Announced in Dec-2020
Should supports distances of up to several miles
Should support up to 4000 nodes on a single network
Proprietary protocols
You can design your own protocol, or use an existing proprietary protocol
You have to comply with local regulation
Our example
Global coverage ⇒ satellite networks
Small latency, for alarm transmission ⇒ GEO constellation
To decrease latency even more: use land mobile networks when available
Exchanging locations between vehicles to calculate distance:
Short distance communications
Two frequencies at least, to prevent interference attacks
Proprietary protocol, to increase security
Points to remember
Differentiate standard / radio technology / regulation / operator:
A technology may be used on different frequency bands (e.g. private 4G networks)
A standard may describe services that won't be provided by an operator
A technology may be provided by several different operators (4G, LoRaWAN, etc.)
Could ISM/SRD frequencies be saturated in some future?
It is possible to install and run your own network (PMR, LoRaWAN)
It may be required to integrate several different technologies
Beware: with radio, data loss is certain
Stream or message?
Sensors: a few (tens of) bytes
Measured data
Date and time
Actuators: a few (tens of) bytes
Command to be executed
⇒ Messages
Voice: stream
Video: stream
Images: (large) messages
We will look at messages.
Voix and video transmission is rare, but sometimes required
(as in our example).
Why messages?
The receiving application has to know when it has received all data
related to one measure, from a sensor.
An actuator has to know when all the information related to the command
it has to execute has been received.
What is a message?
A sequence of bytes containing all the information required for a given processing.
Technologies with message-type interface
LoRaWAN, Sigfox
Messages over satellite networks
Messages over PMR networks
Message-type interface
Stream-type interface
TCP/IP is a stream-oriented protocol!
Back to the serial link
How are built the messages of a GNSS receiver?
How are built the AT commands and responses?
⇒ use of delimiters (start, end)
General solutions for a simple case
No error (loss, modification)
Data exchange does not modify data order
(For instance: TCP/IP)
Solution 1: time
Wait for a minimum time between two successive messages
Maximum time between two successive bytes must be smaller than
inter-message time
Inter-message time must be greater than jitter
Solution 2: delimitation
Problems with message contents
Problem 1
Let's assume that we use solution 2, with byte of value 01 as
a start delimiter.
Question: how to send value 01 in a message?
This is the transparency problem.
Problem 2
The 32-bit integer 11223344 can be stored in memory in two ways:
Question: how to exchange a 32-bit integer between two computers using memory
in different ways?
This is the endianness problem.
Big-endianness : Most Significant Byte at the smallest address
Little-endianness : Least Significant Byte at the smallest address
Bi-endianness : two configurations are possible
Big-endian: 68000 microcontroller, AVR32 microcontroller, etc.
Little-endian: x86 microprocessor, etc.
Bi-endian: Arm cores, etc.
Problem 3
How to echange data structures between computers?
struct sensor {
uint32_t sensor_id;
char sensor_name[20];
struct {
double latitude;
double longitude;
} location;
Generalization of the endianness problem.
This is the serialization problem.
To answer these problems (delimitation, transparency, endianness, serialization):
More or less complex to define your own solution
If you haven't any preliminary experience, choose an existing solution!
Serialization, endianness and delimitation
ASN.1 (Abstract Syntax Notation number 1):
Maintained by the ITU (International Telecommunication Union)
Notation allowing to define data structures independently from their
Associated standard encoding rules (BER, PER, etc.)
Code generators for many programming languages
Serialization and endianness
Protocol Buffers:
Developed by Google (who did not know ASN.1?)
Code generators for many programming languages
Requires additional delimitation
Serialization, endianness and delimitation
CBOR (Concise Binary Object Representation) :
Defined by the IETF (Internet Engineering Task Force) - RFC 7049
Based on JSON
Libraries available for many programming languages
Serialization, endianness and delimitation
For specific needs: relatively easy to define your own formatting.
Communication (+ delimitation and transparency)
Message Queuing Telemetry Transport
But does not use message queueing, and is not restricted to telemetry
Requires a specific transport layer: ordered and lossless (TCP)
Mixes messaging protocol and publish/subscribe service
A non-TCP version exists (for Zigbee, etc.)
OASIS Open standard
Several open source
Communication (+ delimitation and transparency)
Communication (+ delimitation and transparency)
Many systems use their own (proprietary) protocols
Lot of buzz about MQTT and CoAP, but difficult to determine real market shares
On TCP, not too complex to define your own protocol, simpler than MQTT
On UDP (more generally: lossy message transport), more complex
Hands-on Lab: UDP over Wi-Fi
An ESP32-DevKitC
A Wi-Fi Access Point
A computer running Linux or macOS, reachable from the Wi-Fi Access Point
Integration in the Internet
Sigfox, LoRaWAN, etc: short messages
Internet protocol headers (TCP/UDP/IP) are too long
⇒ Devices using these networks are not integrated in the Internet
A solution: SCHC
Static Context Header Compression -
RFC 8724
On LPWAN networks, stream nature is predictable
⇒ Context can be stored in the device and in the network
⇒ High level of header compression is possible
Our example
For messages on satellite network: design a proprietary protocol
For land mobile network, on TCP: design a proprietary protocol
For inter-vehicles communication: design a proprietary protocol
Real complexity lies in integration: handling several networks
IP integration with SCHC
Points to remember
The protocol depends on transport layer (with or without loss)
On a byte-stream transport layer (TCP), message delimitation is required
Decide on a protocol according to your experience, user needs and context
Often a strong constraint: code size on embedded side
With SCHC, IP may be used almost everywhere ⇒ real Internet of Things
Distributed processing
Architecture for mobile network and platform (see further below)
Architecture for unlicensed LPWAN and platform (see further below)
Functions in device communicate with remote functions (distributed application)
Several types of networks, with different characteristics
Many possible use cases
⇒ Layered architecture
Layered architecture
Ideal vision!
Separation of concerns
Easier migration from one type of network to another one
Reusing technical components is possible
Easier maintenance
Generic group of layers allowing for:
Abstraction of the communication layer
Supply of a part of management services (users and devices)
Supply of a part of the security
Supply of some complex technical components (data analysis, machine learning, etc.)
Hosting of the above services
Strangely enough, many platforms are available...
Allows to rapidly set up a full system
Scalability (> 1000 devices?)
May prevent from having to develop some complex technical components
May increase system development complexity
May introduce uncontrolled reliability problems
Genericity ⇒ may hinder development of bespoke systems
Sharing ⇒ may lead to unwanted evolutions
Attack surface
Set of points that an attacker can use to attack a system.
How to deal with attacks
Management governance:
Name an executive in charge of security
Engineered for security:
Design hardware and software with attention to security threats
Fit for purpose cryptography:
Adhere to best practice industry standards
Secure network and applications:
Secure applications, web interfaces and server software
Secure production processes and supply chain:
Making sure the security of the product is not compromised in the manufacturing process or
the end customer delivery and installation
Customer security:
Inform the customer about vulnerabilities, provide software updates, etc.
Points to remember
Needs for security depends on the system
Anyway, do not underestimate - for instance: temperature in a house may indicate the absence
of the occupants
Requires a broad view
Requires experience
Almost all connected objects systems are closed systems:
Device application exchanges information with only one office application
Integrating devices from another manufacturer is usually complex or impossible
New function integration by a third party developer is usually complex or impossible
Integration of a new type of network by a third party is complex or impossible
Integration of a new type of network is complex
How to address these constraints?
Standardization may help:
Communication protocols
Network interfaces
System architectures
Data structure
Data semantics
Some preexisting applicable standards:
V.24 ,
V.28 ,
TIA-232 (ex RS-232), etc., for serial communication
I2C ,
CAN , etc., for serial buses
AT commands for cellular network user equipment
Wi-Fi ,
Bluethooth , etc., for short distance wireless communication
IPv4 ,
IPv6 ,
UDP , etc., for the Internet
Note: some are de facto standards, some are de jure standards.
But new ones were required, mostly for higher layers...
"We are the global community that develops IoT standards to enable interoperable,
secure, and simple-to-deploy services for the IoT ecosystem. oneM2M standards
are open, accessible and internationally recognized."
Value proposition:
"OneM2M standards allow any IoT application to discover and interact with any IoT device."
Functional architecture
AE: Application Entity - CSE: Common Services Entity - NSE: Network
Services Entity
Members :
Standards development organizations (SDOs):
Two industry fora/consortia:
Members of SDOs
Study Group 20
"Address the standardization requirements of Internet of Things (IoT)
technologies, with an initial focus on IoT applications in smart cities
and communities (SC&C)"
The International Telecommunication Union (ITU):
Founded in 1865
The United Nations specialized agency in the field of telecommunications,
information and communication technologies (ICTs)
The ITU Telecommunication Standardization Sector (ITU-T):
Studies technical, operating and tariff questions
Issues Recommendations on them with a view to standardizing telecommunications on
a worldwide basis
Study Group 20 roles:
Lead study group on Internet of things (IoT) and its applications
Lead study group on smart cities and communities, including its e‑services and smart
Lead study group for Internet of things identification
ITU-T Recommendations under SG20 responsability:
F series :
Non-telephone telecommunication services
H series :
Audiovisual and multimedia systems
L series :
Environment and ICTs, climate change, e-waste, energy efficiency; construction,
installation and protection of cables and other elements of outside plant
Q series :
Switching and signalling, and associated measurements and tests
Y series :
Global information infrastructure, Internet protocol aspects, next-generation networks,
Internet of Things and smart cities
OneM2M standards are transposed under the
Y.4500 series (17 recommendations).
Many other recommendations:
Reference model
Example - Networked vehicle and ITS infrastructure
Members :
193 states and over 900 companies, universities, research institutes and
international and regional organizations
Internet of Things Directorate
"Coordination within the IETF on IoT-related work, and increasing the visibility
and communication between IETF IoT activities and other SDOs, industry alliances,
and other organizations."
The Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF):
large open international community of network designers, operators, vendors, and
researchers concerned with the evolution of the Internet architecture and the
smooth operation of the Internet.
Some RFCs (originally: Request For Comments):
Web of Things
"By providing standardized metadata and other re-usable technological building blocks,
W3C WoT enables easy integration across IoT platforms and application domains."
The World Wide Web Consortium (W3C):
International community where Member organizations, a full-time staff, and the public
work together to develop Web standards.
Web of Things build blocks
TD: Thing Description
Many other organizations - continued
Question: So many standards! What to do with them?
Answer: What you want 🙂
More seriously:
Stay informed
Listen to your customers
Rely on layered architectures with well-defined interfaces
How to make any project successful?
The target is precisely defined
Design and build procedures are known
Required resources are available
Note: this is not in contradiction with agility (see farther below)
Involved technical domains:
Three different technical domains
⇒ Complicated
About communications domain:
The main point is not about how to integrate a given communication technology
It is about choosing the right communication technology/ies
Most often, communications are wireless
Communication disruptions will occur
Disruption may be permanent in some locations
⇒ Impact on system functionalities
⇒ Impact on the system architecture
About computer science domain:
It's more than developing a usual application software
It's designing and developing a resilient distributed system
It's developing embedded software
It's developing communication software
About software developers:
Most are not used to handling unreliable communications
Most are specialized in one network technology
Most are frontend/backend developers
For a given project:
The project team may be not experienced enough with some technologies
Some components to integrate may be not mature enough
Some components to integrate may age rapidly
Some components may be unreliable
Some components may present undocumented behaviors
A project is more than playing with technologies:
On client side:
Connected objects may be used in almost every domain
A client may not fully imagine how connected objects can improve/impact their activity
A client may dictate the use of some technical elements
A client may not know the limits of a technology
The users may fear being monitored
On project side:
It takes time to understand all the rules of a given client business
It takes time to understand potential impacts of various technologies on a
given client business
When assessing needs or analyzing requirements:
Often: client ≠ user
Try to understand the real needs of the users
How would a given wireless solution impact needs fulfillment?
More generally: impacts of technical components?
⇒ In front of the client:
Someone who can talk needs
Someone who knows which wireless solution(s) can match the needs
Someone who can imagine a first version of the global architecture
Someone who is experienced in project management
That's better if this is only one person!
Remember how to make a project successful?
One good way: be agile.
Agile Software Development
One should value:
Individuals and interactions over processes and tools
Working software over comprehensive documentation
Customer collaboration over contract negotiation
Responding to change over following a plan
Created for software development, can provide very good results for other types
of projects.
Agile Development is a state of mind, not a methodology.
Enforcing a methodology (e.g. Scrum) is NOT agile.
One way which works well:
For each iteration:
User needs definition is improved (including by the client)
Technology components are better mastered
The system is being built on solid foundations
The client can see that development is going forward
Getting solid foundations:
Integrate handling of connectivity issues right from the design phase
Separate the challenges: develop separate proofs of concepts
Test system elasticity (how it resists the pressure)
Break down in layers (see architecture )
Ensure stability and robustness of a layer before building upon it
Develop dedicated tools: manufacturing tests, message injection,
communication logger, etc.
Develop automated tests (validation and non regression) in parallel
Developing with iterations:
Can be used even when answering a Request for Proposal
Good for the client and for the integrator
Allows to better adapt to changes (needs, technology)
Additional tips:
Make prototypes and present them to the users (not only to the customer)
Test in the field as soon as possible
If possible, implement Over The Air (OTA) updates
Use equipment that can be upgraded
Use equipment with more processing power than strictly required
Record information about project progress, for next project
Waste collection management system
daily reports about waste collection tours performed the day before:
collected points against planned collection points
not-collected points against planned collection points
non-planned collected points against planned collection points
various events: bulky item, broken waste bin, backwards driving, etc.
Requirement analysis:
The client was thinking at an in-vehicle device transmitting data in real time over a
cellular network
But reports did not require real time
Location data recorded by an in-vehicle device
Data transmitted by wire (!) at the end of the day
Lower capital expenditure (no communication modules)
Lower operating expenditure (no mobile network subscriptions)
⇒ Listen to the client, and understand what they really need
⇒ Separate functional view and technical view
Taxi dispatch system
Assign the most appropriate taxi to a client request
Mutual control between taxi drivers
Attack alarm
Connection to the taximeter
Ride booking
The group of taxi drivers has no experience of a dispatch system
Do not know the number of rides per day
The provider:
Doesn't know the job of a taxi driver
Has no experience of some technical elements
Quickly set up a first, minimal version of the system
Then progress step by step
Add new functions depending on how telephone operators and taxi drivers use the system
Plan to make the radio network evolve, depending on traffic
⇒ Iterations to allow the client to better define their needs
⇒ Iterations to give time to the provider to master some technical elements
⇒ Iterations to make progress visible
Operations support system for urban buses
Start of service and end of service for drivers
Display next stop to the driver and planned arrival time
Alarm displayed at operation center when a bus is delayed or ahead of time
Attack alarm
Fuel consumption (connection to the flowmeter)
The drivers could feel monitored by the system
⇒ risk of strike
Proceed in stages
Deliver the functions useful for the drivers first:
Attack alarm
Personal downlink short messages (not planned initially)
⇒ Identify the needs of the users (drivers), in addition to expressed customer
⇒ Deliver functions with most of the value for the users first
GPRS was the first packet data service available on GSM networks
Introduced by the telecommnuication operators as the equivalent of LAN/WAN communication
Two non-documented characteristics:
A TCP session with no traffic during n minutes is closed by the network
Radio context close every n hours, even if there is some traffic
Not a problem for developers already experienced in using radio networks
But put other ones in trouble (trying to use LAN equipments and software)
⇒ Reading the technical documentation is not enough, you have to test
⇒ Trying to reuse existing technical solutions from another domain may be a bad idea
⇒ Integrate error handling right from the start
Outsourcing the design of a device
Need for a device that can control a radio transceiver and a handset
Design outsourced to a well-known radio systems manufacturer
Late delivery
Load tests rapidly exhibit a hardware design flaw and a major software design flaw
Too little time to modify the electronic design
Source code is requested
Fortunately, a software workaround is found
⇒ Test elasticity as soon as possible
⇒ Never believe an outsourced design will be flawless, especially when working with a
large company
⇒ Always get the broad view (here: software + hardware)
Outsourcing the design of a device - chapter 2
Request for a corrected version of the device
The manufacturer proposes a device designed to fulfill needs from additional customers
⇒ Too complex
⇒ Too expensive
Make an inhouse design
It's more costly, on short term
But provides a very good return on investment, on long term:
Very good fit with needs
Production adapted to each client (expansion board, components not soldered
depending on needs)
⇒ In a connected objects system, the device is the technical core: it's essential to
master it
⇒ This example is quite old. Nowadays, the design could have been
from an existing open source design
Malfunction of an embedded device
A thousand of embedded devices, installed in vehicles, stop functioning
The Over The Air update procedure (over cellular network) does not work anymore
An audit of the device is requested
Audit results:
Embedded software quality is very low
It has been written by a senior developer. But experienced in the field of web
The OTA update procedure writes received bytes directly into memory, without any flow
If loss of coverage while updating, the embedded software is corrupted
If network throughput is too high, data is lost ⇒ update failure
⇒ The project leader is at fault: they didn't assign the right person to the task
⇒ The project leader had no experience in the field ⇒ their manager is at fault
⇒ Software development is not a monolithic domain: developing embedded software is
different from developing a web frontend, which is different from developing a backend
Autonomous sensing system
Design an autonomous fine particle pollution sensing system
It must upload data to a remote application on a periodic basis
Electronic board with a low-power microcontroller
Battery charged thanks to a photovoltaic solar panel
But data upload protocol is very energy intensive:
Data is encoded in ASCII instead of being encoded in binary
FTP is used, instead of a simple application protocol, over TCP or UDP
The designer was experienced in the sensor domain, but not in protocol domain
⇒ Assess your experience per domain, so that you can know when to ask for
⇒ Ensure to get a global view (hardware + software)
Developing a connected objects system can be challenging:
Wide variety of user needs ⇒ can be difficult to find references
It can be difficult to get the real user needs
Several different technological fields have to be mastered
Compared to other types of projects:
Spend time with the users (and not only with the customer)
Prepare for getting experienced in required technologies before the project
Ensure you have the big picture in mind
Be agile
Look for T-shaped team members
But this is a wonderful domain! 🙂